SDO EVE Underflight Calibration Experiment
- Mission
- Vehicle
- Launch
- Photos
EVE calibration sounding rockets carry a copy of the EVE instrument on NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory to correct for effects of degradation. Measurements from the EVE sounding rocket are used to calibrate several other extreme ultraviolet instruments aboard other spacecraft, including NASA's Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics, Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment, Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory, ESA/NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/NASA's Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite Program, and the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency/NASA's Hinode.
For more information on this mission, see: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2021/sounding-rocket-flight-sharpen-nasa-study-of-the-sun/
The Principal Investigator is Dr. Thomas Woods/University of Colorado.
![Drawing of a Terrier-Black Brant sounding rocket](../images/vehicles/Terrier-Black-Brant-sm.png)
The Black Brant 9 is a two stage sounding rocket with a Terrier first stage and Black Brant second stage. The Black Brant 9 can reach altitudes of about 600 km. Payloads weighing from 400 to 1200 pounds can be flown.
![Google Earth Map showing White Sands Missile Range.](../images/WSMR.jpg)
The SDO EVE underflight calibration mission was launched from White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico on September 11, 2021.